Not enough swell, not enough wind… not any more. Ride What You Can’t.
From foil surfing to SUP foiling to wing surfing, hydrofoiling is opening doors that we never thought possible. Now, we have epic surf sessions on days when we would have previously never considered even paddling out. Spots that were considered mediocre are now hydrofoil heavens. Light-wind days that once squashed our stoke have been transformed into magical days of endless flying.

Ride Engine are proud to offer a new line of hydrofoil craft, spearheaded by the board shaping and surfing intelligence of Ride Engine founder Coleman Buckley. Fine-tuned and tested over countless days on the water by the entire Ride Engine crew. We know you’ll find the perfect Ride Engine foil board to fulfil your passion of flying over the water. And by whatever means you choose.
You can buy a new Ride Engine foil board as board only or paired with a Futura Surf Foil Package. This gives you the absolute flexibility to build the set up you need for your own foiling experience. If you’d like to talk to us about different set ups, foil board features or anything else then feel free to contact us. We’re always happy to chat!